Tahoe Meadows Sunrise Session | Clara + Cooper
“We met at Boston College on the first day of classes in Freshman year...and steered clear of each other because we both thought the other person was weird (Cooper was loud, Clara was quiet and “had bangs”). Fast forward a couple of years: we were in the same friend group and eventually began to warm up to each other. After Clara spent a semester abroad, absence really DID make the heart grow fonder and we started dating shortly after she returned to the States. We’re coming up on six years of dating!”
Enjoy a peak of their engagement photos and read in between the frames to learn more about them :)

We met up early in the morning and they were total rockstars about the freezing temps. The golden creamy tones made it all worth it.

A little about their relationship: “We survived long distance for two years”

“Our relationship depicted by one emoji is 🍕”

Galena Creek was the second location.

About Clara:
Originally from CA, but since college have lived in Boston, New York, DC, Pittsburgh, and now Chicago...slowly making my way back West ;)
Travel frequently for work. I once found myself at an airport 8 times in one week. That sucked. Is that a fun or sad fact?
I know for a fact the Earth is round because I’ve flown around it! (Chicago to Paris to Seoul to Chicago on one trip)
Allergic to pork but I eat it anyway because bacon is life.
Dog lover and recent convert to cat lover
About Cooper:
From a small town in Minnesota,
Dream car is currently a 1986 Jeep Grand Wagoneer
If I had to choose between having a cat's head for my head or spoons for hands....I'd chose to have a cat head

What does the future hold for Clara and Cooper? A lot of pizza. Adopt at least one fur baby and next year they’re throwing a big party (aka getting married). Thanks for inviting me ;)

Clara and Cooper: I can’t wait for you wedding next year! Thanks for letting me be your third wheel on your big day ;)